We would like to introduce to our business partners and supporters the change in the management of our Slovak subsidiary NUVIA Slovakia.
Starting in September, Josef Černý is the new CEO of this company. We would like to thank the previous director Stanislav Palík for his work not only for our Slovak subsidiary.
For the past 8 years, Josef was Senior Services Engineer at NUVIA Slovakia.
With the arrival of the new managing director, a new era begins for NUVIA Slovakia, where we want to focus more on offering our company’s product brands in the region, especially NUVIATech Instruments in the CBRN field, as well as nuclear medicine and NUVIATech Healthcare.
At the same time, we will continue close cooperation with our other Central European business unit – NUVIA CZ, where the main objective will be to transfer know-how from our projects at Czech nuclear power plants to Slovakia.
Nomination of the new CEO of NUVIA Slovakia
Josef Černý appointed CEO of NUVIA Slovakia
Posted the 30/08/2024
Nuvia Slovakia

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